Alman A., Cohen I., Gal A., Maggi F.M., & Montali M. (2024). Discovering ABPMS Framing in Multi-Process Setting. PMAI 2024: 3rd International Workshop on Process Management in the AI Era.
Cohen. I. (2024). Data-driven project planning: An integrated network learning and constraint relaxation approach in favor of scheduling. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71, 7719-7729.
Chocron E., Cohen I., & Feigin P. (2024). Delay prediction for managing multi-class service systems: an investigation of queueing theory and machine learning approaches. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71, 4469-4479. videolinkSimulator Code
Cohen I.R., Cohen I., & Zaks I. (2023). A theoretical and empirical study of job scheduling in cloud computing environments: the weighted completion time minimization problem with capacitated parallel machines. Annals of Operations Researchlinkvideo
I. Beerepoot, C. Di Ciccio, H.A. Reijers, S. Rinderle-Ma, W. Bandara,
A. Burattin, D. Calvanese, T. Chen, I. Cohen, et al. (2023). The biggest business process management problems to solve before we die. Computers in Industry, 146, 103837. link
Shifman Abukasis D., Cohen I., Xian X., Huang K., & Singer G. (2023). An adaptive machine learning algorithm for the resource-constrained classification problem. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 119, 105741. link
Cohen I., Postek K., & Shtern S. (2023). An adjustable robust optimization model for parallel machine scheduling. European Journal of Operational Research, 306(1), 83-104. linkvideo
Bogdanov E., Cohen I., & Gal A. (2022). Conformance checking over stochastically known logs. The 20th International Conference on Business Process Management Business Process Management Forum. BPM 2022. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 458, 105-119. link
Cohen I., Cohen I.R., & Zaks I. (2022). Insights and results about the weighted capacitated machine scheduling problem, PMS 2022, virtual conference. linkvideo
Cohen I., & Gal A. (2021). Uncertain process data with probabilistic knowledge: Problem characterization and challenges. Proceedings of the International Workshop Problems21, co-located with the 19th International Conference on Business Process Management BPM 2021, Italy, published in CEUR Workshop Proceedings , 2938, 51-56. file
Cohen I.R., Cohen I., & Zaks I. (2021). Weighted completion time minimization for capacitated parallel machines, In: Koenemann J., Peis B. (eds), Approximation and Online Algorithms. WAOA 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12982. Springer, Cham. linkfile
Balouka N., & Cohen I. (2021). A robust optimization approach for the multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 291(2), 457-470. linkfile
Zychlinski N., Mandelbaum A., Momčilović P., & Cohen I. (2020). Bed blocking in hospitals due to scarce capacity in geriatric institutions—cost minimization via fluid models. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 22(2), 396-411. linkfile
Singer G., & Cohen I. (2020). An Objective-Based Entropy Approach for Interpretable Decision Tree Models in Support of Human Resource Management: The Case of Absenteeism at Work. Entropy, 22(8), 821. open access
Bitton S., Cohen I., & Cohen M. (2019). Joint repair sourcing and stocking policies for repairables using Erlang-A and Erlang-B queueing models. IISE Transactions, 51(10), 1151-1166. Best 2019-20 IISE paper. link filevideo
Cohen I., & Balouka N. (2018, June). Robust Project Planning under Resource Constraints. In 2018 IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Conference (TEMSCON) (pp. 1-5). IEEE. link
Cohen I., Epstein C., & Shima T. (2017). On the discretized Dubins traveling salesman problem. IISE Transactions, 49(2), 238-254. link
Cohen I., Cohen M.A., & Landau E. (2017). On sourcing and stocking policies in a two-echelon, multiple location, repairable parts supply chain. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 68(6), 617-629. link
Cohen I., Epstein C., Isaiah P., Kuzi S., & Shima T. (2016). Discretization-based and look-ahead algorithms for the Dubins traveling salesperson problem. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 14(1), 383-390. linkfile
Globerson S., Vardi S., & Cohen I. (2016). Identifying the Criteria Used for Establishing Work Package Size for Project WBS. The Journal of Modern Project Management, 4(1). linkfile
Balouka N., Cohen I., & Shtub A. (2016). Extending the multimode resource-constrained project scheduling problem by including value considerations. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 63(1), 4-15. link
Cohen I., & Iluz M. (2015). When cost–effective design strategies are not enough: Evidence from an experimental study on the role of redundant goals. Omega, 56, 99-111. link
Cohen I. (2015). Integrating traditional and innovative value-focused models in project management teaching. The Journal of Modern Project Management, 2(3). linkfile
Cohen I., & Globerson S. (2015). The Impact of Debriefing on Future Performance of Projects. Management, 4(3), 177-192. linkfile
Cohen I., Mandelbaum A., & Zychlinski N. (2014). Minimizing mortality in a mass casualty event: fluid networks in support of modeling and staffing. IIE Transactions, 46(7), 728-741. link
Cohen I., Iluz M., & Shtub A. (2014). A simulation‐based approach in support of project management training for systems engineers. Systems Engineering, 17(1), 26-36. link
Tzimerman A., Dery L., Balouka N.S., Cohen I., Herer Y.T., & Shtub A. (2014). Simulation-based education in supply chain and project management. In Bridging Data and Decisions (pp. 138-160). INFORMS. linkfile
Kroese D.P., Rubinstein R.Y., Cohen I., Porotsky S., & Taimre T. (2013). Cross-entropy method. Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, 326-333. linkfile
Cohen I. (2010). Kaizen and stochastic networks support the investigation of aircraft failures. Interfaces, 40(3), 208-221. linkfile
Cohen I. (2008). Improving time-critical decision making in life-threatening situations: Observations and insights. Decision Analysis, 5(2), 100-110. linkfile
Hershko E., Mandelker N., Gheorghiu G., Sheinkopf H., Cohen I., & Levy O. (2008). Assessment of fatigue striation counting accuracy using high resolution scanning electron microscope. Engineering Failure Analysis, 15(1-2), 20-27. link
Kossoy E., Khoptiar Y., Cytermann C., Shemesh G., Katz H., Sheinkopf H., Cohen I., & Eliaz N. (2008). The use of SIMS in quality control and failure analysis of electrodeposited items inspected for hydrogen effects. Corrosion science, 50(5), 1481-1491. link
Cohen I., Golany B., & Shtub A. (2007). The stochastic time–cost tradeoff problem: a robust optimization approach. Networks: An International Journal, 49(2), 175-188. link
Cohen I., Golany B., & Shtub A. (2007). Resource allocation in stochastic, finite-capacity, multi-project systems through the cross entropy methodology. Journal of Scheduling, 10(3), 181-193. link
Cohen I., Golany B., & Shtub A. (2005). Managing stochastic, finite capacity, multi-project systems through the cross-entropy methodology. Annals of Operations Research, 134(1), 183-199. link
Cohen I., Mandelbaum A., & Shtub A. (2004). Multi-project scheduling and control: A process-based comparative study of the critical chain methodology and some alternatives. Project Management Journal, 35(2), 39-50. linkfile
Katsman A., Ginzburg A., Werber T., Cohen I., & Levin L. (2000). Nickel–aluminide coating of TiAl by a two-stage process. Surface and coatings technology, 127(2-3), 219-222. link
in conferences
Cohen I.R., Cohen I., & Zaks I. (2021). Weighted completion time minimization for capacitated parallel machines, ORSIS Conference, Israel.
Chocron E., Feigin P. and Cohen I. (2021). Queueing theory and machine learning for predicting waiting times, Canadian Operations Research (CORS) Conference, virtual conference. videoSimulator Code
Chocron E., Feigin P. and Cohen I. (2021). Predicting waiting time in queueing systems: comparison of queueing theory and machine learning models, The 22nd Industrial Engineering and Management Conference, Israel.
Cohen I. (2021). Process modeling and mining, The 22nd Industrial Engineering and Management Conference, Israel.
Bitton S., Cohen I. and Cohen M. (2021). Joint repair sourcing and stocking policies for repairables using Erlang-A and Erlang-B queueing models., IISE Annual Conference, virtual conference, Winner best IISE paper.
Cohen I., Postek K. and Shtern S. (2021). Adaptive robust parallel machine scheduling, PMS, virtual conference. video
Balouka N. and Cohen I. (2019). The robust multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem, The 21st Industrial Engineering and Management Conference, Israel, 1st prize for best research paper.
A robust optimization approach for the multi-mode resource constrained project scheduling problem, 2019, EURO 2019, Dublin, Ireland, Invited session chair.
Balouka N. and Cohen I. (2018). A robust optimization model for the multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem, PMS, Rome, Italy, 1st prize for best student paper.
Cohen I. (2018). Cutting-edge learning technologies for project risk management, 2018, POM, Houston, Texas, USA, Invited talk.
Cohen I. (2018). Linking strategic, tactical and operational project decisions. MIT SDM Symposium, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Cohen I. and Balouka N. (2018). Robust project planning under resource constraints. IEEE TEMSCON, pp. 1-5, Evanston, Illinois, USA.
Joint repair sourcing and stocking policies for repairables using Erlang-A and Erlang-B queueing models, 2017, POM, Seattle, Washington, USA, Invited talk.
On the multimode resource-constrained project scheduling problem with value considerations-from an abstract mathematical model to an intuitive project management planning and learning tool, 2016, PMS, Valencia, Spain, Semi plenary (
Cohen I. (2016). Parallel innovation efforts: Policies and insights. POM, Orlando, Florida, USA.
Joint exchange and stocking policies for repairables, 2015, POM, Washington D.C., USA, Invited talk.
Iluz M. and Cohen I. (2015). On cost-effective design strategies. The 19th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference, Israel.
Balouka N. Cohen I. and Shtub, A. (2015). A mathematical model for Lean new product development. The 19th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference, Israel.
Epstein C., Cohen I. and Shima T. (2015). Look ahead algorithms for the Dubins traveling salesman problem. The 19th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference, Israel.
Repairables stocking and sourcing in multi-location environments: An analytical and experimental study, 2014, POM, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Invited talk.
Cohen M. and Cohen I. (2014). Flexible stocking and repair sourcing policies in multi-echelon service support environments. M&SOM Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA
Epstein C., Cohen I., and Shima T. (2014). On the discretized Dubins traveling salesman problem. The 54th IACAS Conference, Israel.
Cohen I. (2014). Policies development for mortality minimization during mass casualty events. IPRED III, Israel.
Cohen I. (2014). Management of mass casualty events. POM, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Iluz M. and Cohen I. (2014). When cost-effective design strategies are not enough: Evidence from an experimental study on the role of redundant goal. The 18th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference, Israel.
Epstein C., Cohen I. and Shima T. (2014). On the discrete Dubins traveling salesman problem. The 18th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference, Israel, 3rd prize for best research paper.
Zychlinski N., Cohen I. and Mandelbaum, A. (2014). Mortality minimization policies for mass casualty events. The 18th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference, Israel.
Cohen I. (2014). Policies for mass casualty events management. Technion-Erasmus Workshop, Netherlands.
The role of flexibility in joint stocking and sourcing policy for repairable parts, 2013, POM, Denver, Colorado, USA, Invited talk.
Lessons learned from teaching design to cost and benefit to cost strategies by SBT, 2013, Euro/Informs 26th European Conference on Operational Research, 2013, Rome, Italy, Invited talk.
Iluz M., Cohen I. and Shtub A. (2013). Integration management: Learning to see the big picture. INCOSE IL2013, Israel.
Yaron N. and Cohen I. (2013). Parallel testing for new product development. The 6th Israeli Industrial Engineering Research Meeting, Israel.
Cohen M. and Cohen I. (2013). Management policies for a supply chain with multiple bases and a central depot. M&SOM Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA.
Cohen I. and Cohen M. (2012). Joint stocking and sourcing optimization for repairable parts. MSOM Conference, New York, USA.
Kaplan N., Singer G. and Cohen I. (2008). Using business intelligence system for implementation of the predictive maintenance concept in the Israeli Air Force. 15th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference, pp. 5e, Israel.
Halevi R., Bar Moshe S., Atzmoni A., Cohen I., Ben Nun M., Kaplan N., Ishbir C. and Zinger G. (2007). Using predictive maintenance concepts for structure integrity in the IAF, ASIP 2007, USA (
Cohen I., Golany B., and Shtub A. (2004). Managing stochastic, finite-capacity, multi-project systems through the cross-entropy methodology. PMS 2004 – 9th International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling, pp. 335-338, Institute National Polytechnique de Lorraine, France.
Cohen I. and Shtub A. (2003). Critical chain multi-project scheduling and control—a simulation study. The 1st Israeli Industrial Engineering Research Meeting, pp. 73-80, Israel.
Kressel I., Ghilai G., Gali S., Hackman N., Leibovich H., Peled D., Brot A., Sol U., Grosu E., Cohen I., Ben-Noon M., Jiny S., Meir Y., Halevi R., Alon L. and Atzmoni A. (2003). Design substantiation and application of boron-epoxy patch repair on an F-16 fuselage skin. Proceedings of the 22nd ICAF Symposium (2 vol.), EMAS Publishing, Switzerland.
Cohen I., Levin L., Ginzburg A. and Werber T. (1997). Phase formation in a TiAl-base intermetallic coated by Ni and Al. The 8th Israel Materials Engineering Conference IMEC VIII, pp. 76, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel.